What is the #1 Thing We Have to Tell Authors?

"Your book needs editing." 

The manuscripts we receive are nearly always based on great ideas.  

Yet rarely do we encounter a manuscript that's actually ready to publish. 

The difference between professional editing and not is getting readers, earning great reviews, and even winning awards. 

Yet it's the one thing that escapes most authors. The fact is that most books need developmental editing AND proofreading. 

That's why we're available to give your manuscript a free audit. Email us by clicking below. Just write "Free Editing Audit Please" in the subject heading, and send us the first 25 pages of your manuscript. We'll respond within a day or two.



Get Your Dream Book in Your Hands

There are four steps to taking your big idea to the reader who needs your book most. We've got our finger on the pulse of each step so you can relax and enjoy your writing.


If you can dream it, you can write it. There are no excuses. One of my authors is dyslexic. He was functionally illiterate until he began writing with the voice-to-text feature on his phone. He's currently writing his third book and has won awards in Toastmasters for his speaking. If he can do it, you can do it. You can get started with this free mini-course on how to use the hero's journey for fiction and non-fiction. 

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The next step, sometimes it can feel impossible to look over your work and change it, whether that's from the stress of having to change the work or just feeling lost on how to make it better, Forest City Publications does their best to give you the tools necessary to get this critical step done.



Publishing sounds like the easy part but for many authors it's their biggest stopping block. What can feel more daunting than writing is getting all the bureaucracy that's necessary for you to stay safe in the writing world in order. ISBNs copyright and more, we give a step by step process for you to navigate the paper jungle that surrounds publishing.



Once you're through the jungle it can feel like an empty breath, an overarching feeling of "now what", For many people, marketing is not intuitive and it certainly isn't easy, Forest City publications gives you suggestions on where to start to get your book into the hands of readers around the world. 

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Meet Our Publisher, Lara Helmling

Lara Helmling is our publisher, business designer, and mentor. For over 7 years she has been knee deep in the writing process, editing, publishing and marketing books for authors all over the country.


To provide 1-1 support, services, and mentoring to authors throughout their writing journey. From writing to editing to publishing to marketing, Forest City Publications is by your side.

Start with Great Info

We try to cover all the bases of authoring in our blogs. Click on the step you're on in the authoring process, and enjoy!


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