Divine Unfolding 3-Day Seminar


It is Time to Receive...

First You Must Understand The Truth about Divine Wealth

Jesus always had what He needed...so should you...that freed Him to serve people in abundant love...so can you...it's time you discovered your inheritance as Christ's brother...it's time to receive...the first step is to understand exactly what abundance is...so that you, as a powerful co-creator with Christ, can accept the great gifts that God has promised His children. 

Join Wylene Benson and Lara Helmling as they host Divine Unfolding–The Free 3-Day Wealth Seminar

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You are a child of God...it's time to start living in the truth of your inheritance


You know that as a child of God you should be wealthy in this world... 

You know that it is God's plan for you...

And you know you have a part to play in His plan...

Yet you can't seem to figure out the key to becoming wealthy in a way that feels right...

One that is in integrity with your true self...your identity...your sense of purpose...your divine nature... 

Still, you won't let yourself give up...

So you continue to strive for wealth while realizing that something still isn't quite right...

The Divine Unfolding Seminar is For You

In the Divine Unfolding Seminar, we guide you to know the difference–and LIVE the difference–between the world's way and the Lord's Way to Wealth...

We'll show you the simple formula for becoming wealthy on the Lord's Way.

Why We're So Passionate About This

Too many beautiful souls that we meet are dead inside...their hearts decay more and more each day as their souls cry out for food...

Soul food...

Which is freedom...

Freedom is total...TOTAL...love, peace and joy...

The simple fact is that peace, love, and joy...thus freedom...isn't possible without wealth, health, and legacy...

Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual WEALTH...

Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual HEALTH...

Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual LEGACY...

God wants us to be free...and we can only be free if we have all these needs met in this world...

Met in a way that doesn't require us to sell our freedom to a 9-5 we hate...

Or to a cause that feels slimy...

On the Lord's Way to Wealth, we understand...

Wealth is of the Lord

It is of the spirit, of the mind, of the body, and of the earth...

Fundamentally, we are divine, and we are inheritors of the kingdom of God...

And Jesus told us in uncompromising terms that the kingdom is HERE...

and WITHIN...

and NOW...

Therefore, we should and must have wealth in all areas of life IF we are to live in the fullness of our divine nature...

And THAT is what we are here to do FIRST...

Once we have realized our divine nature, we can lead others to their own unfolding, leading them home to the bosom of the Father.

The end result of divine unfolding is being a fully alive, creative, divine being...

It is living in the fullness of our divine nature...

Total soul fulfillment...



The kingdom of God IS Unity, and there is no separation between heaven and earth...

"Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

We'll say it again, His will is unity!

His will is creation...to multiply and replenish creation...

His will is divine unfolding!

We'll Teach You to understand what wealth really IS...

Here's a quick snapshot...

Wealth is creation in whatever form you (the REAL you...the one fully present in your divine nature and not led astray by errors or illusions) wish to experience it...as you are divinely inspired...

Wealth is everything expanding and unfolding with infinite joy and gratitude.

Wealth is joy and gratitude...For joy and gratitude are the very nature of creation...

Joy and gratitude ARE creation as we experience it in the body...

Joy and gratitude is what wealth feels like...

And from this feeling proceeds the physical embodiment of wealth...what we call MONEY.

The Divine Unfolding Seminar Will Get You Started On Your Path...And Help You Reach The Destination

Of true wealth...

Of your divine unfolding...



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Your Guides to Divine Wealth

Wylene Benson and Lara Helmling bring all of the skills and talents you need to discover your inheritance...

Yes, ALL...

Wylene Benson is a bestselling author and business coach who specializes in business growth and mindset...

Lara Helmling is a tech savvy business strategist who knows her way around all the things you need for a profitable online business...

Both of them do everything they do because they love God and all of His people...

Together they have built a comprehensive business strategy program...

Divine Unfolding is their most recent creation, designed to help Christian entrepreneurs unite their faith with their wealth...and enjoy the fullness of their inheritance as God's children


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Even before the Divine Unfolding Seminar begins, you'll want to get your thinking on the right path...
It all starts in the mind...
The mind is our miracle machine, it's our motherboard in our computer system, and it needs to be programmed RIGHT...
Programmed by the truth of God rather than the errors of the world...

In the Divine Unfolding Seminar You Get...

Training on How to Ensure Wealth is A Part of Your Divinely Guided Life

You've heard this from me before...in this lesson I share with you the FORMULA for being wealthy on the Lord's Way!

Practice in Using Jesus's Method of Creation

The foundation of wealth creation on the Lord's Way is FAITH...Yet very few Christians actually know how to utilize the power of their faith to create the kingdom of God on earth....for themselves and others. Jesus knew this very well...and He taught His disciples how. You can learn this, too. 

Actionable Insights into How to Receive  Wealth as You Seek the Kingdom of God

The secret to wealth on the Lord's Way is to realize that nothing about making money in the world applies to the Lord's Way. The same way farmers can't "make" it rain, we can't "make" money on the Lord's Way...And we don't "take" money from someone else when we receive. Instead, we RECEIVE the great gifts that God wants to give us...He is always ready to give to us, His beloved children.


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